Andrew Noble

LinkedIn | Github


Hi, I'm Andrew. I've been fortunate to do a ton of cool things, and thats made me into a pretty curious person. Currently that's causing me to learn web development, so I made this vanilla html/css/js site for practice.

I plan on showcasing my software projects and other things of interest here. My favorite color is orange.

If you're looking for my professional qualifications, my resume is here.


Currently I am in home in Alaska for the first summer in 8 years. I've been inside coding more than I thought I would be this summer... but luckily I got outside and picked up packrafting this summer, a longtime goal.

Software Projects

  1. Hot Dice Scoreboard: a react UI for playing a group dice game
  2. A book note CRUD app w/ React, express, and PostgreSQL
  3. A spotify playback app
  4. A simple memory game, some of my first javascript code

...and more! Check out my github. I'm having a blast rounding out my programming skills, so this list will grow. I am sorta finishing up a tear through web development, next I'd like to do some machine learning.


I love adventures outside. Here are some of my most memorable:

I'd like to eventually post photos or video of these outings, but haven't made the time.

Other Stuff

I've also dabbled in some other things, all of which I hope to revisit soon.